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Prison Ministry

"Then the king will say [...] For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me'. Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, [...] when did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? '. And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."


Matthew 25: 34-40 


  • Fr. Thomas Connery

  • Marie Sturgill

  • Margaret Kerr

  • Angie Alvey

  • Florence Kaplan

  • Julie Barry

  • Loretta Montalto

  • Lynn McElwain

  • Vicky Kovacs

As Catholics, we are called to recognize the dignity of every human being and to proclaim the kingdom of God to everybody affected by crime: the victims, the victims' families, the offender, the offenders' families, the jail and prison staff and chaplaincy, the members of Law enforcement and their families.

The prison ministry is, at this point, focused on bringing the Christian message to the inmates in the jail and the prison facilities in Marion County, on a regular basis.

About prison - The Florida Department of Corrections is the 3rd largest state prison system in the U.S. (after                         California and Texas). It incarcerates felons convicted to more than a year; from minimal                               custody to death row.

About jail- The Marion County Jail is run by the Sheriff's Office and is designed to hold people awaiting trial                  or serving short sentences (364 days or less).


In Marion County, there are:                                                  

  • Marion county jail

  • Marion correctional institution for men

  • Lowell correctional institution for women: Main unit, Annex and Work camp

  • Florida women’s reception center.


In the prison and the jail we find "human beings":

  • of all ages, races, ethnicities and religions,

  • that come from different backgrounds in life, and

  • with all the corruption and evil of society but also with all the goodness of human nature.


We believe that every person has to be accountable for what we do; and when we fail, we go to jail or prison. But being incarcerated must be also a step to a change of life through healing, rehabilitation and restoration which should affect not only the offender but also our society.


St. Theresa, our parish, in the past years, has been serving the needs of the people in jail and in prison in Marion County (in partnership with Blessed Trinity Church that had an older presence in the system); and continues doing it with your support.



In this Ministry, consistency (to go on a regular basis to jail or prison) is a must. Volunteers can commit with any of the following services that we provide:


  • Marion county jail for men and women

Under request of a relative, we develop a one-on-one relationship with people in jail with strict confidentiality.


  • Florida women’s reception center

Sundays 1 to 4 pm.-

Liturgy of the Word and every first Sunday Mass and confession. Formation in faith.

Fridays 6 to 8 pm.-

Grief group


  • Lowell main unit for women

Wednesdays 8 to 11.00am.-

Program: “Soul, Mind and Body: Discovery, Healing and Renewal” that includes Christian living, Theology of the body, Bible review, and Walking the 12 steps with Jesus Christ.

Wednesdays 6 to 8 pm.-

Inner healing

Thursdays 6 to 8 pm.-

Liturgy of the Word and every first Thursday Mass with Father Pat. Formation in faith.


  • Lowell annex

Fridays 1 to 3.30 pm.-

Inner healing





To become a volunteer, you need:

-  To fill out an application

-  To carry out a background check and fingerprinting

-  To follow the State orientation

-  To fulfill the diocesan training

-  To be introduced by Fr. Thomas


The brothers and sisters you are going to meet in jail and/or prison are in need of people that:

  • Is humble and has a non-judgmental attitude

  • Have a prayer life, spirituality and ability to see God in everyone

  • Is able to listen and show compassion to those in need

  • Can be alert and aware of surroundings

  • Is willing to follow Diocesan, State and Institutional guidelines

  • Willing to take care of yourself so you can minister to others in need.






Every May and November, we make collections of hygiene items to be donated to Lowell Correctional Institution. Nevertheless, we are grateful that every day of the year we keep on receiving donations at the Church and in the office.


Year around, we provide the inmates that attend our prison services, even if they are transferred to another facility, with:

  • Writing paper, pens, composition books, folders, almanacs, notepads, printed material, between others.

  • Cards, stamps, envelopes, writing paper.

Permanent Need


We are in permanent need of new postal stamps, empty cards (for any occasion) and envelopes which we use to provide them with the basics, to be in touch with their families and educational institutions.


There is also a permanent need of hygiene items for the indigents inside the system. 

Our Youth Group helping to sort out donated hygiene products for the Women's Prision Ministry.  Thank you, to all who helped.

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