Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart | Council 8012
Photos By Chris Romero
For more information or if you are interested in joining, please visit their website by clicking here or contact
Grand Knight - Larry Fusco at (352) 751-4301 or Deputy Grand Knight - Lester Phillips at (352) 307-5244.
2nd Tuesday Council Business at 7 pm
3rd Tuesday 4th Degree Meeting at 7 pm
4th Tuesday Socials at 7 pm
If you are a homebound Knight, and would like to receive communion,
Please contact David Pistarelli, Jr at (352) 347-8492 or
If you have any questions regarding membership,
Please contact Grand Knight, Larry Fusco, at (352) 751-4301
Prayers for the eternal repose of the souls of
Frs. Walter Franczek
Jim Macloughlin
Anthony Palmese
Sean Shine
George Koerber
And all the deceased members of 8012
Become a Knight of Columbus
If you are interested in helping those in need and growing in faith, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Being a Knight of Columbus can transform your life.
As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, and grow in faith.
We are a network of men around the world dedicated to doing good in the service of God and our neighbors.
What we provide.....
Service: Support the parish with its needs & help meet the needs of those in the community
by providing clothing & food for less fortunate families, support programs that benefit people with intellectual disabilities, & donation of wheelchairs to people without mobility at home & abroad.
Charity is the FIRST principle of the Knights of Columbus.
We are men who get things done. We volunteer our time to service our parishes and communities.
For more information or if you are interested in joining, please contact Grand Knight, Larry Fusco,
at (352) 751-4301 or Deputy Grand Knight, Lester Phillips, at (352) 307-5244.