Charismatic & Cursillo
Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 9:15 am, in the parish hall after the morning mass
With any questions, please contact
Larry French at (770) 880-2717 or
Donna Krause at (352) 687-1070
Julie Barry
Dora Bermudez
Terri Borkgrem
Mary Cassidy
Lilly Chimenti
Mary Comunale
Sonya Corcoran
Gina Dooley
Verna Gooden
Judy Hilla
Patricia Jackman
Donna Krause
M/M Jerry LaMura
Alice Lanctot
Mary McKnabb
Pat Morgan
Mary Louise Mulert
Iris Negron
Jim Ritten
Mary Shuber
Harriet Scicchitano
Elena Touhey
Fr. David Vivero
M/M Tony Weis
Marge Wilson
Charismatic & Cursillo Spiritual Movements
Most Blessed Sacrament Charismatic Prayer Group was established on October 2009 by several charismatics at St. Theresa. Its primary purpose is to life up the spirituality of its members through praise and worship in the charismatic fashion or format prayer meeting. Jesus says "I will ask the Father and he will give you another Helper, Who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God." (Jn. 14:16-17)
Cursillo Movement
Cursillos in Christianity is a movement that, through a method of its own tries to, and through God's grace manages to; enable the essential realities of the Christian to come to life in the uniqueness, originality, and creativity of each person.
In becoming aware of their potential and while accepting their limitations they exercise their freedom by their conviction, strengthen their will with their decision, to propitiate friendship in virtue of their constancy in both their personal and
community life.
The Cursillo Movement consists of proclaiming the best news of the best reality: that God, in Christ, loves us. Communicated by the best means, which is friendship towards the best of each one, which is his being person and his capacity of Conviction, Decision, and Constancy.
And what needs to be emphasized today, now, and immediately in order to be on the cutting edge of today's debate is to facilitate and make possible for every person to encounter oneself always and absolutely essential in order to be able to encounter God and others.
The role of the Ultreya is to link Christians together and it‘s theme is transforming the world for Christ. Ultreya is a function of the Cursillo. The role of the Ultreya is to link Christians together and it‘s theme is community sharing with others and new Cursillistas are welcomed into the larger community.
All can find support through the sharing of one another's experience of living with Jesus Christ and additional spiritual guidance is available. The Ultreya is Christ-centered and concentrates on Jesus working within each of us to bring the whole world to Him. Any committed Christian should be able to feel comfortable at an Ultreya, finding strength and courage to take Jesus Christ back into the happenings and environment of everyday life. All committed Christians are welcome.