Liturgy, centered on the Eucharist, is the heart of our worship.
Chris Turner
(352) 245-2458
All of the Liturgical Ministries are intertwined to in all that we do and all contribute to the special parish life at St Theresa.
It is a very special calling of Lit ministers to teach, encourage, inspire, and lead members of the worshiping assembly.
Our Ministries include Music Ministry, EMHC, MTS, Altar Servers, Altar Care, Ushers, and Readers, in addition, we have Bereavement, LOM, Parish devotional activities, and events.
We, the Catholic Community of St. Theresa Church, are a diverse parish united in the Body of Christ.
As followers of Christ, we are called to worship together, to serve one another, to grow in faith, and to further the presence of God in the world.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of the Sick (Home Bound)
Ministry of Altar Care (Sacristans and Linens),
Ministry of Altar Servers,
Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers),
Ministry of the Word (Readers)
Liturgical Art & Environment Committee
Prepares seasonal and other decorations for our church.
The Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is one of the most important areas of service to the liturgical life of a parish. St. Paul advised the Colossians to “let the word ofChrist dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”
That is the calling of every member of the worshipping assembly. But it is the special calling of music ministers to teach, encourage, inspire, and lead them by example.
Special Ministries
Legion of Mary
Parish Devotional
Activities and Events
Liturgical & Spiritual Correspondence
Deacon Normand LaFleur