We are so busy! Most of us have more than one job to do, and we never seem to have enough time. We are workers, volunteers, parents, friends, and most of us are more than one thing at a time. But which of these is the work of God? We seldom view our ordinary work as being the work of God. We may think that we have to be ministers or priests, missionaries or charity workers, engaged full-time in works formally identified as being "God's work." But everything we do with a faithful heart and with love for others is God's work. We each have our own role to fill in the world, and many gifts are necessary. We cannot always see the direct connection of our daily work to the plan of God. But we trust and we believe that God leads us to do what is needed, where it is needed. What is "God's work?" "This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent" (John 6:29).