St. Theresa Ladies Guild, established in 1951, has taken on a new and exciting project. This is in addition to the many services we have accomplished over the past 66 years including the building of our original Church. Some of our recurring projects include working at the Fall Festival in October, Bereavement Luncheon in November, poinsettia sales in December, Anniversary Lunch in February, providing morning and evening snacks for Lenten Mission in March, and supporting our youth with a Scholarship and Luncheon in May. In addition, through your support we purchased the altar and chairs, a pew, a stained glass window, and various other liturgical items. Our goal is to continuously improve the parish campus by raising funds through “The Home of Saint Theresa” project.
Our beautiful new project is displayed in the Church, on the wall opposite “The Tree Of Life. We invite you to join us as we continue our support of our blossoming and beautiful campus.
“The Home of Saint Theresa” contains 422 plaques (1-inch by 3-inches), which may be used to memorialize your deceased loved ones, honor your family and friends, or to display your favorite Bible quote or verse. There are three colored tiers: gold, silver, & bronze. Each plaque has three lines with a maximum of 18 characters per line. The price list and quantity available:
Gold Plaque (64) $300 each
Silver Plaque (162) $250 each
Bronze Plaque (196) $200 each
Thank you for your participation and continued support of St. Theresa Ladies Guild and Parish. For more information, please contact: Loretta Ciampi at (352) 245-5437 or
Eileen Ritter at (352) 804-0647.
Order forms are available in the Parish Office.